Morten Linderud

F/OSS Developer, Arch Linux Developer and security team.

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Golang crypto/ecdh and the TPM
Apr 24, 2023
7 minutes read

I have lately been trying to learn more about the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) as they are capable of key creation and sealing secrets in a secure manner. They are common hardware these days and make for a reasonable ways to store secrets.

age is a file encryption/decryption tool from Filippo Valsorda which a lot of people have been using to replace GnuPG for things like password-store. It has a few plugins doing things like storing keys on Yubikey, Trezor hardware wallets or the Apple Secure Enclave, however it doesn’t have a TPM plugin. I saw the opportunity to write something that is capable of utilizing the TPM.

So after a couple of weekends hacking on something I had an initial version of such a plugin, age-plugin-tpm. Which is capable of creating and storing RSA 2048 bit keys for age to use inside the TPM.

However a big downside is that it is using RSA 2048, and the keys are already super long. Like 443 bytes long.


Thus we need to try and figure out Elliptic Curve cryptography which is what age itself is doing.

Elliptic Curves

RSA is an asymmetric public-private key scheme where we distribute a public key, and we keep a private key. Only the private key can decrypt the material encrypted with the public key.

Elliptic Curves on the other hand uses symmetric encryption. This means that the key encrypting something, and the key decrypting something uses the same key for both these tasks. It’s effectively a shared secret. A common way of doing this is through the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. This is called Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH).

With the release of Go 1.20 we got a new crypto/ecdh library to perform operations like these.

Since the TPM only supports a subset of curves we will be using NIST P-256 for all the examples below.

We will be creating two keys. One for Alice, and one for Bob. Alice and Bob needs to agree on a shared secret they can encrypt secrets with.

import (

alice, _ := ecdh.P256().GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
bob, _ := ecdh.P256().GenerateKey(rand.Reader)

Alice gives Bob their public key and Bob can perform an ECDH key exchange with the public key. We generate a hash of the key here only to produce an easily readable representation of the key.

alicePubkey := alice.PublicKey()

shared, _ := bob.ECDH(alicePubkey)
bobShared := sha256.Sum256(shared)
fmt.Printf("Shared key (Bob)  %x\n", shared)

With the following as output.

Shared key (Bob)  1cb538e525096ef7c3d8bbf9b3868eba183ebc153d548c934975a2107696b215

Cool, we have something that can probably work as a key. Now Bob gives their public key to Alice and they do the same.

bobPubkey := bob.PublicKey()

shared, _ := alice.ECDH(bobPubkey)
aliceShared := sha256.Sum256(shared)
fmt.Printf("Shared key (Alice)  %x\n", shared)

And we get the same output.

Shared key (Alice)  1cb538e525096ef7c3d8bbf9b3868eba183ebc153d548c934975a2107696b215

This was actually pretty easy! I’m not very sturdy in explaining the math behind this, but we are effectively agreeing on the same position on the curve which will work as our symmetric key.

Lets do the same but now lets store the key from Alice in the TPM.

Trusted Platform Modules

We will be using the go-tpm from Google to deal with the TPM and I will try to give a complete example on how to implement this.

First off we need a couple of variables. TPM use key hierarchies which allow us to generate deterministic create keys. We are going to create a key under the “Storage Root Key” (SRK) which will work as our application key.

There is a very good introduction to TPM key hierarchies by Eric Chiang:

import (

var (
	// Default SRK handle
	srkHandle tpmutil.Handle = 0x81000001

        // Default SRK key template
	srkTemplate = tpm2.Public{
		Type:       tpm2.AlgECC,
		NameAlg:    tpm2.AlgSHA256,
		Attributes: tpm2.FlagStorageDefault | tpm2.FlagNoDA,
		ECCParameters: &tpm2.ECCParams{
			Symmetric: &tpm2.SymScheme{
				Alg:     tpm2.AlgAES,
				KeyBits: 128,
				Mode:    tpm2.AlgCFB,
			CurveID: tpm2.CurveNISTP256,
			Point: tpm2.ECPoint{
				XRaw: make([]byte, 32),
				YRaw: make([]byte, 32),

	// Our Key Handle
	keyHandle tpmutil.Handle = 0x81010004
        // ECC Encrypt/Decrypt key template
	eccKeyTemplate = tpm2.Public{
		Type:       tpm2.AlgECC,
		NameAlg:    tpm2.AlgSHA256,
		Attributes: tpm2.FlagStorageDefault & ^tpm2.FlagRestricted,
		ECCParameters: &tpm2.ECCParams{
			CurveID: tpm2.CurveNISTP256,
			Point: tpm2.ECPoint{
				XRaw: make([]byte, 32),
				YRaw: make([]byte, 32),

Handles are effectively locations on the TPM where we store our keys. Some handles are reserved for special keys and the rest of the space is usable for applications.

The 0x81000001 is special for the SRK, and we select the handle 0x81010004 for our application key.

rwc, err := tpm2.OpenTPM("/dev/tpm0")
if err != nil {
defer rwc.Close()

bob, _ := ecdh.P256().GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
bobPubKey := externalKey.PublicKey()

The next portion opens up the TPM device, and then we generate a key pair for Bob.

If you don’t want to do this directly towards your TPM, I have written a small library to initialize an instance of swtpm which can be used for testing.

handle, _, err := tpm2.CreatePrimary(rwc, tpm2.HandleOwner, tpm2.PCRSelection{},
                                        "", "", srkTemplate)
if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("CreatedPrimary: %v", err)
if err = tpm2.EvictControl(rwc, "", tpm2.HandleOwner, handle, srkHandle); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("EvictControl: %v", err)

This section creates our SRK key under the Owner hierarchy and we use EvictControl to delegate the temporary key to the persistent handle.

priv, pub, _, _, _, err := tpm2.CreateKey(rwc, handle, tpm2.PCRSelection{},
                                            "", "", eccKeyTemplate)
if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("CreateKey: %v", err)

handle, _, err := tpm2.Load(rwc, srkHandle, "", pub, priv)
if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("Load: %v", err)
defer tpm2.FlushContext(rwc, handle)
if err = tpm2.EvictControl(rwc, "", tpm2.HandleOwner, handle, keyHandle); err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("EvictControl: %v", err)

In this section we are creating our key for Alice. We pass our values to tpm2.CreateKey which most importantly is using our eccKeyTemplate. We then load the private and public parts into a handle, which we then make persistent.

This allow us to reference the created key under the handle 0x81010004 for future sessions.

Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman

Now we can do the key exchange!

x, y := elliptic.Unmarshal(elliptic.P256(), bobPubKey.Bytes())

First we need to parse Bob’s key to retrieve the X and Y portions of the keys so we can pass them to the TPM. The crypt/ecdh library does not expose these values from keys, so we need to pass it through elliptic.Unmarshal.

bobKey := tpm2.ECPoint{XRaw: x.Bytes(), YRaw: y.Bytes()}

z, err := tpm2.ECDHZGen(rwc, keyHandle, "", bobKey)
if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("ECDHZGen: %v", err)

shared := sha256.Sum256(z.X().Bytes())

fmt.Printf("Shared key (Alice)  %x\n", shared)
// Shared key (Alice)  2912759ae2641a4a18ae08abadbf1e413339333ea266f02bbaf580e5f58b6d44

At this point we have done the key exchange over the TPM. The return value of z.X().Bytes() is the equivalent value as returned by alice.ECDH(bobPubkey) from the earlier example.

Returning to Bob

However, Bob still wants to produce the same secret, but now the key material is stored in the TPM. What we need to do is to fetch the Public Key material from the TPM and produce a ecdh.PublicKey struct for Bob.

pub, _, _, err := tpm2.ReadPublic(rwc, keyHandle)
if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("ReadPublic: %v", err)
publicKey, err := pub.Key()
if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("can't read public key: %v", err)
ecdsaPubKey := publicKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)

alicePubKey, err := ecdsaPubKey.ECDH()
if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("pubkey.ECDH: %v", err)

The code above reads the public key material. We then need to do a little bit of dancing as google/go-tpm only really deals with ecdsa.PublicKey. We need to cast the return value from .Key() (which is crypto.PublicKey), to ecdh.PublicKey.

Then utilize the new Go 1.20 method .ECDH() to produce the correct key type for our crypto/ecdh library. Now we can give alicePubKey to Bob and they can reproduce the same secret we have.

shared, _ := bob.ECDH(alicePubKey)
shared = sha256.Sum256(shared)

fmt.Printf("Shared key (Bob)  %x\n", shared)
// Shared key (Bob)  2912759ae2641a4a18ae08abadbf1e413339333ea266f02bbaf580e5f58b6d44

And that completes the example!

The complete code example this article is based off on can be found here:

The complete code example also contains the missing pieces for how age uses shared secret through a Key Derivative Function (KDF) and chacha20poly1305 to provide the actual encryption.

If you think messing with TPMs and practical application are fun feel free to come and hack on on age-plugin-tpm, or sbctl once I get around to implementing the improved key handling there :)

Thanks for reading!

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