Morten Linderud

F/OSS Developer, Arch Linux Developer and security team.

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SSH CA with device and identity attestation: ssh-tpm-ca-authority
Aug 31, 2024
11 minutes read

The past year I have been hacking around on tools utilizing TPMs, and one of the features I have been interested to learn more about is the device attestation features.

After being a bit inspired by some ideas from people at work, the hackerspace and toots on mastodon, I figure out a SSH certificate authority would be a cool small project to hack on. Last year I wrote an SSH agent with TPM bound keys so this would nicely fit into the existing tooling.

When people acquire credentials by proving who they are it is usually bound by some identity claim. In an enterprise setting this identity claim is proven by them logging through an identity provider (IdP) which can be provided by things like keycloak, Microsoft, Google or Github. This is largely based on Open ID Connect (OIDC) which can provide signed JWT tokens that have certain claims about the identity of the user.

The login itself (hopefully) has Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) which means you have something you know, and something you possess to get through the login. The possession part is usually a FIDO token like a Yubikey. The knowing part is the password.

All of this is nice and dandy, and certainly good enough for most scenarios. But considering we have a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) available in most machines today we can probably do better. TPMs allows you to implement remote device attestation to prove you are sitting on a specific device, they also allow us to shield keys inside the TPMs which can’t be extracted from the device nor decrypted1.

It would be cool if we could issue SSH certificates by providing an identity claim, and perform some device attestation to ensure we are authenticating from a specific machine. In an enterprise setting this is nice as you most likely want people to only access services through your work managed machines and not the 10 year old Windows XP machine.

In a personal setting this is handy as you could just go to your self-hosted certificate authority, declare all the machines you possess and avoid having to figure out how to manage all your SSH keys.

λ ~ » ls .ssh/keys | wc -l

And well, I can’t be the only one!

ssh-tpm-ca-authority is my, very POC quality, take on an SSH certificate authority that can sign short lived SSH certificates by logging into an IdP and proving you are in possession of a given device. The IdP part is currently implemented through the public DEX instance hosted by sigstore.

This blog post is going to be split into two parts. First part will explain ssh-tpm-ca-authority and the usage of it, and the second part is going to try and explain the implementation of the device and identity attestation.

Part of the project is going to rely on ssh-tpm-agent, which is an ssh agent that enables you to create and maintain TPM backed keys for ssh. If you are unfamiliar with the project please read the blog post I made about it last year, or visit the github repository.

Threat Model

Before we start it should be noted what the current threat model is;

  • We trust the enrollment of the EK into the CA server.
  • We trust the CA server is not acting maliciously.
  • We trust that the sigstore DEX instance is acting in good faith.
  • We trust TPMs are reasonably secure devices.

Some of this is to just make it easier to implement the POC. However things like the EK enrollment being trusted is important as it’s terribly hard to do this post factum.


ssh-tpm-ca-authority implements the certificate authority service through an REST API. It is configured by a YAML file that denotes the host and the users. Each user has a username, an oidc_connector, which is the expected IdP they will be using, and the Endorsement Key (EK) which is unique per machine.

First we need to create a new ssh key that will function as the signer for the CA. Currently only TPM keys are supported and they can be generated through ssh-tpm-keygen from ssh-tpm-agent.

λ ssh-tpm-ca-authority » ssh-tpm-keygen -f ./id_ecdsa
Generating a sealed public/private ecdsa key pair.
Enter pin (empty for no pin): (empty pin here)
Confirm pin: (and empty again)
Your identification has been saved in ./id_ecdsa.tpm
Your public key has been saved in ./
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

An example configuration file:

  - host:
    ca_file: ./id_ecdsa.tpm
      - user: fox
        ek: 000ba1d6910d32dbafb47e1365e8a84606aaefc9bb2404f4f99082f6284a9b33415c

ca_file is the keyfile we created previously, and the one that will act as the key signing our CA.

Each user needs to be configured with a username, that the client will request with, an oidc_connector which is how we will authenticate the identity, and the EK, which we need to fetch from each client we are enrolling. The EK is the value we’ll be using to attest and ensure the clients connecting is possessing the correct device.

To retrieve the given EK from a client one can use the ./cmd/getek from the source repository.

λ ssh-tpm-ca-authority master » go run ./cmd/getek

Now needs to have available as TrustedUserCAKey in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. This is how each ssh server will recognize the issues certificate as valid.

Once we have a working configuration we will run the CA server and continue with our client setup.

λ ssh-tpm-ca-authority master » go run ./cmd/ssh-tpm-ca-authority
2024/08/30 23:09:10 HTTP server listening on :8080


For the client setup we need a way to ask the CA server for a certificate when connecting to the given server. We are only in control of the ssh agent in this implementation. Using match host exec in your ssh config allows you to execute arbitrary commands when you ssh to a given server2.

To ask ssh-tpm-ca-authority for a certificate we can add the following line to our local ssh config.

Match host exec "ssh-tpm-add --ca '' --host '%h' --user '%r'"

This assumes you have a local instance of ssh-tpm-agent running, and being used as the agent for the server.

When connecting to with ssh, it will fetch a certificate remotely and make it available in the agent before we authenticate towards the remote server. If the commands fail it will fallback to any other options you have in your configuration. This is all there is to the client setup, and everything should work.

Rest of the post is going to describe the technical details of the implementation.

Client Attestation

In an attempt at visualizing what happens between the TPM, ssh-tpm-agent and ssh-tpm-ca-authority I made a sequence diagram.

    participant ssh-tpm-agent
    participant TPM
    participant ssh-tpm-ca-authority
    participant OIDC Issuer
    critical Create Attestation Key
      ssh-tpm-agent->>TPM: TPM2_Create
      TPM->>ssh-tpm-agent: akPub, akPriv
      ssh-tpm-agent->>TPM: TPM2_CertifyCreation(akPub, akPub)
      TPM->>ssh-tpm-agent: akPubAttestation
    critical TPM Bound Key Creation
      ssh-tpm-agent->>TPM: TPM2_Create
      TPM->>ssh-tpm-agent: kPub, kPriv
      ssh-tpm-agent->>TPM: TPM2_CertifyCreation(akPub, kPub)
      TPM->>ssh-tpm-agent: kPubAttestation
    critical POST /attest (akPub and kPub includes attestation)
      ssh-tpm-agent->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: sshHost, sshUser, akPub, ekPub, kPub
      critical Validate attestations
          ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: ekPub + sshHost + sshUser exists in local config
          ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Validate signed akPubAttestation
          ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Validate signed kPubAttestation
          ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Create encrypted Credential with akPub and ekPub
          ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Create chNonce to be included from OIDC Issuer
      ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-agent: Challenge(encCredential, Secret, OIDC_Issuer, chNonce)
    critical OIDC Login Flow
      ssh-tpm-agent->>OIDC Issuer: Login Flow with chNonce
      OIDC Issuer->>ssh-tpm-agent: JWT Proof with Signed chNonce
    critical Decrypt Encrypted Credential
      ssh-tpm-agent->>TPM: TPM2_ActivateCredential(ekPub, akPub, encCredential, Secret)
      TPM->>ssh-tpm-agent: Credential
    critical POST /submit
      ssh-tpm-agent->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: ChallengeResponse(Credential, JWT Proof)
        critical Validate attestations
            ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Signed JWT is from correct OIDC Issuer
            ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>OIDC Issuer: Verify Signed JWT with issuer
            ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Signed JWT has correct chNonce
            ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Signed JWT has email from config
            ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-ca-authority: Credential same as encCredential
      ssh-tpm-ca-authority->>ssh-tpm-agent: Signed SSH Certificate

Essentially there are two requests at play here, /attest and /submit. This implements a “challenge-response” API where the client does not know what the configuration of the service. It’s just going to blindly ask for some access with the information it has, and if the server validates this, it will return a challenge to the client. The client needs to respond to this challenge to get a SSH signed certificate back.

/attest is the initial call the client issues towards the server. The JSON request contains the important details. The ssh host and ssh user we are requesting this as. The public portion of the EK of the client. And then two sets of attestations. One for the Attestation Key (AK) and one for the TPM Bound key.

The client will make a TPM bound key and an Attestation Key with some attestation details, and fetch the current endorsement key. It will hand this to the server together with the SSH user and host.

Here represented as two Go structs.

type Attestation struct {
	Public            *tpm2.TPMTPublic
	Signer            *tpm2.TPMTPublic
	CreateData        []byte
	CreateAttestation []byte
	CreateSignature   []byte

type AttestationParameters struct {
	Host        string
	User        string
	EK          *tpm2.TPMTPublic
	AK          *Attestation
	TPMBoundKey *Attestation

The server make sure the ssh user, ssh host and the ek are all present for the user+host+ek combination found in the configuration file. Once this passes we check the attestation of the keys.

The Attestation Key attests the creation of it self, and the creation of the TPM bound key. This seems a bit counter intuitive at first, but it’s important to realize that we don’t trust anything yet. The create data is the output of the TPM command TPM2_CertifyCreation which is a command that will sign and provide an attestation that proves the objects where created on the TPM.

We validate all the details here. The signature is done by the AK. The object has the properties of a non-exportable and secret key that can be loaded by the TPM. But we don’t trust anything yet.

The way we establish trust is to do something called “Credential Protection”3. The Endorsement Key, which is unqiue pr device, can’t sign anything. Instead it can only do encryption and decryption operations. “Credential Wrapping” is a way to encrypt a secret out-of-bound by utilizing the public portion of the Attestation Key and the Endorsement key. Our assumption is that only the Endorsement Key residing in the TPM of the client device is capable of decrypting this secret, and we will be using this as a form of “proof-of-possession” of the device. The secret is just a random secure string that we store for the completion of the API.

As we also require a way to confirm the client is in possesion of the identity. For this we make a nonce that will be part of the Open ID Connect login flow which will then be embedded into the signed JWT from the service.

type EncryptedCredential struct {
	Credential []byte
	Secret     []byte
	OIDC       string
	Nonce      string

Once the client get EncryptedCredential it does the OIDC login flow with the given issuer in the OIDC field, including the nonce from the server. CredentialandSecretare passed toTPM2_ActivateCredential` where the Attestation Key and the Endorsement Key residing on the TPM is used to decrypt the secret.

/submit is then called with the response signed JWT of the OIDC login flow and the decrypted secret.

type ChallengeResponse struct {
	Secret []byte
	Jwt    string

The server will then ensure that the secret is the correct value we expect, and the JWT is properly signed from the IdP of the portal. We also ensure that the email present in the JWT is the email we are expecting from the configuration.

Once all of this has been done, we will create a SSH Certificate from the TPM bound key we got earlier, and signed with the given CA key of the server.


Below is a quick demo how it works. I’m ssh-ing to my NAS and running the CA server locally with ssh-tpm-agent.

POC Quality and issues

The IdP portion of this POC is a bit hastly done. To try and make this easier for myself I have opted to use the public sigstore DEX instance. This is easy from a POC perspective as it allows me to quickly get some form of identity portal with OIDC up and running. However it doesn’t provide the security guarantees you would like to see.

DEX only gives claims on primary emails that belongs to the account, and we are explicitly trusting sigstore instead of the identity providers themself.

The solution would be to rely on them directly, but as each provider implements OIDC differently and provides different claims. Google doesn’t include any information if the account logged inn with 2FA/FIDO or just a password4. Microsoft does this through the acr claim but it seems to be context-dependant5, and thus you need to implement this on a per provider basis.

I am also not quite sure if there is a strong enough connection between the OIDC identity claims with the nonce and the device attestation? I suspect instead of creating a nonce we could just use the encrypted challenge as the nonce instead? This would prevent someone from running of with the nonce, MITM a connection and provide the identity claim out-of-bounds from the device that is dealing with the TPM. But at this point I feel like I’m comming up with immaginary threat scenarios.

Generally, I think this is a cool demo and it was a fun project to hack on. Hopefully gives people some new insight into how we can incorporate device attestation. I don’t see a lot of people utilizing TPMs in Open Source projects, and I think that is a shame as they do provide quite nice security properties considering how ubiquitous they are.

All of the code can be found here:

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